Here below we transcript one of our posts regarding the question:
How to be part from abroad of the Italian Pharma world?
To open a pharmacy the pharmacist has two ways. The first one is the public competition from which he/she should receive a pharmacy authorization to open in a specific area requested by the State. The area is not chosen by the pharmacist.
The second one is to buy a pharmacy or a relative company.
The first way is possible only for Italian pharmacists or pharmacists in the EU who have converted their decree into the Italian decree by a procedure. It depends if it is for UE or not UE countries.
In Italy, the practice of healthcare professions is permitted to those who have obtained the required qualifications and qualifications abroad, subject to recognition by the Ministry of Health.
It is important to keep in mind that pharmacists need to be enrolled in the order of pharmacist “ordine dei farmacisti”.
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The second one – buying the pharma – is possible also for pharmacists from abroad even if they will not be allowed to work at the counter–bar to sell products or medicine to customers but they need an Italian pharmacist to work as a director. They could only manage the company that will own the pharma after the 2017 new legislation.
The other issue regards the “PARA FARMACIA” which is a shop where it is possible to sell non-prescription medicine because it is a shop allowed to sell medicine directly used by customers without the doctor's prescription.
A para pharmacy so in a few words is a commercial activity that deals with the distribution of "Over the Counter (Otc)" products, non-prescription drugs (Sop), and extra-pharmaceuticals for the purchase of which no prescription is required.
Anyway also this king of shops requested an Italian pharmacist to work, but the pharmacist from abroad as a private person could use a company to buy the shop where an Italian pharmacist would work.
Pharma in Italy is a good bargain due to the market flexibility the high profile of the ROI, the return on investment.